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Constantine stood in an upper room

“It will be well planned, you can wager on that,” Dacius agreed. “But that’s a game two can play. Now we’d better get a good night’s sleep; we’ll have a long ride tomorrow.”Constantine had...

The civil law of Rome

The law of nature is that which she has taught all animals; a law not peculiar to the human race, but shared by all living creatures, whether denizens of the air, the dry land,...

Dacius swore a purple

“You look as if you were roughly treated,” he said. “Who unloosed your bonds? Maximian?”Dacius swore a purple oath. “Don’t tell me you were taken in by that playacting just now.”“Of course not. My...

Yield up Massilia

“Like Dacius?” He could imagine the story Maximian had told her and which she seemed to have believed.“Or some others.” She had missed entirely the irony in his voice. “Father says he will yield...

Constantine to move swiftly

There was every reason for Constantine to move swiftly with all the troops he could safely take from duty along the Rhine, since Maximian’s next move would undoubtedly be the formation of a pact...

A Liar and A Hypocrite

Knowing countless other such acts of Justinian, I cannot include them, since the end of this book draws near. In any case, what I have told will be enough to show the nature of...

Their innocent fellow citizens

But since there was a statute of limitations barring action after thirty years, except in mortgages and certain other matters, where the limit was forty years, they formed the following plan. Going to Constantinople...

Faustin restored to his former rank

So the Senate investigated the affair and by the will of the Emperor, punished Faustin with exile. But the Emperor, after getting from him the money he wanted, straightway annulled the decree. And Faustin,...

Most difficult undertaking

After having concluded this work and collected it all in a single volume under Our illustrious name, raising Ourself above small and comparatively insignificant matters, We have hastened to attempt the most complete and...

Corpus Iuris Civilis 6th Century

LawsCorpus Iuris Civilis, 6th CenturyAlthough Law as practiced in Rome had grown up as a type of case law, this was not the “Roman Law” known to the Medieval, or modern world. Now Roman...